Friday 1 February 2019

February Newsletter

Hé Ho!  C’est le festival du voyageur!  The month of February is very busy and yet the shortest month of the year!  January has been great and the children were able to get right back into their routines and once again accomplishing a lot. 
Here is the list of events that are happening this month: 
Valentine’s Day Celebration – Feb. 14 (A list of the children’s names is provided on the second page along with who is signed up to bring food for the party.  If your child chooses to give out Valentine’s Day cards, please ensure that there is a card for everyone.  Merci. ) 
Festival du Voyageur Celebrations (Friday, Feb. 15) 
100th Day (Our 100th day of school will be Feb. 12) 
More information about these events will come as we approach the dates. 
Français: We will continue our unit on “L’hiver”. We will practice winter vocabulary words, read poems and stories, do some creative writing, and play games. We will work on the following sounds: ç, ê, è. We will also continue regular class routines. 
French Home Reading: If you would like to access the website Lecture Enfant, go to: The username is: wall and the password is: bravo. This is a wonderful website as all of the books are leveled. Your child can listen to the books and how to pronounce the words, read along, or read independently. A lot of the books we will be reading during our French Guided Reading can be found on this site. 
Also, please note that I might be sending home books that are 1 Level lower than your child’s current reading level. This is to work on developing fluency, expression, accuracy, word recognition and pronunciation. 
Sc. Humaines: We will start a unit on “Deux communautés canadiennes”. We will learn about the Cree Nation. 
Sciences de la Nature: We will finish our unit on “La position et le mouvement”. We will do experiments to determine how various objects move on different surfaces. We will also talk about friction. At the end of this unit, we will use the design process to construct and test an object with wheels and axles. 
E.L.A.:  After we finish our Jan Brett unit, we’ll be doing some activities on the themes above along with starting a unit on Aboriginal Legends.  Our main focus will be to learn what a legend is, read many of the legends and then do follow up activities.  In March, the children will be writing their own legends. 
Math: Our main focus will be double digit subtraction without regrouping and then moving on to addition.  This may present a challenge for some children.  I will be sending out a letter showing how I am teaching it in class so that you are aware and in case you want to work with your child at home for extra support.  We will also continue with mitten math. 
We will be having our Valentine’s Day party on Thursday, February 14 from 1:00 – 3:30 pm. During this time we will read a story, have a snack, make a craft, and hand out Valentines. The following students have signed up to bring a treat for our party: 
Drinks – Noah L.
Veggies/dip – Rianne
Fruit – Logan
Cheese/crackers – Maksim
Choice - Ben
Choice – Padraig 
If you are sending V-day cards, please ensure all the children receive one. 
                                          The children in our class: 
Callum, Violet, Padraig, Maksim, Alvin, Alyssa, Marly, Eloise, Abigail, Sunny, Shantaya, Parker, Jake, Madyson, Noah L, Kenley, Rianne, Noah P, Alina, Noah U, Logan, Benjamin, Xiaoran
*We will be collecting large empty Kleenex boxes starting on Monday up until February 13th. We will be using the boxes to make a card holder for our Valentines! 
Thank you and have a great month… stay warm! 
Mme Kovach and Mme Bouchard

JUNE NEWSLETTER Bonjour Parents,                                  It’s June!   We’ve worked really hard and really well this year....